Ten Tips for Getting More Images of Deer With Hunting Cameras
Update Time£º2013-07-24 Hits£º 6968
The whole reason for hunting trail cameras is to capture photos of the game you pursue. Here’s a list of 10 tactics that will help you capture more of those valuable scouting photos.
1. Food and Minerals. Where legal, food and mineral attractants assure deer pause to have their picture taken.
2. Scents. Liquid food attractants (legal in most states) poured on stumps or logs can coax deer to linger for quality images.
3. Water. During warmer months, positioning near water is a sure bet for increased traffic before your cameras.
4. Fence Holes & Breaks. Passageways beneath or through fences concentrate movement, also slowing animals for sharper images.
5. Create Funnels. Use gathered logs and cut brush to create funnels on ridges, woodlots or approaches to agricultural fields.
6. Scrapes & Rubs. Positioning cameras over scrapes and sign-post rubs is always productive, even if the biggest bucks visit at night.
7. Double Up. On wide ridges and open woodlands, single cameras often fail to capture it all. Setting two cameras back to back assures nothing slips by undetected.
8. Shooting Lanes. Create clean lanes for cameras to shoot through; also assuring fewer blank images caused by wind-driven vegetation.
9. Stake Out. No mounting tree available where you need it? Use a metal T-post to position your hunting camera instead.
10. Use Lower MP Settings. IR emitters are notorious for blurred nighttime images on moving deer; adjusting hunting cameras to lower resolutions resulting in sharper images.
- See more at: http://www.welltar.com/News/index/cid/158.html
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